Never a jw - WaaaAAAAaaaaAt???!
What an awesome quote. Please someone have a direct scan of that mag. Wow.
i had listened to the degrading talk by gb heard (on women) & watched a video on evie bklyn channel & there was alot of interesting questions that are raised.. i had always wondered why can't women in the hall handle mics or run magazine counter etc.?
but they (if annointed) will rule in heaven with jesus.
that is a pretty heavy responsibility to help jesus rule millions of people on earth, but yet they can't pass a mic or even run the sound system in the kh.
Never a jw - WaaaAAAAaaaaAt???!
What an awesome quote. Please someone have a direct scan of that mag. Wow.
shower room.
games room.
What's bts?
Oh and hi mamaMia!
i'm just curious but has anybody meet some one on jehovahwitness-net who they knew in their jw lives.
just want to hear experiences.
please include the indicators that led up to you identifying each other, and how you eventually revealed yourself.
Not yet, although by using the search box by looking for local towns names etc, I've found at least three people I know. Haven't come out to them yet though, not really fair on the missus I thought.
every paragraph and every article in this issue is nonstop heavy artillery fire propaganda.
i have never seen a wt so full of logical fallacies, appeals to emotion, appeals to authority, guilt tripping and bite techniques all in one issue!
paragraph 9 states clearly that even though the gb is imperfect, that does not matter, we must obey them anyways.
I read that paragraph at the top with my jw head on. Makes perfect sense to me.
They're spirit anointed so we should obey them. (scripture says be obedient to those taking the lead).
But they are imperfect (as is everyone) so they will make mistakes, (ie shout at someone sometime or have a wrong thought sometime) so we obviously make allowances for human imperfection as we would hope others would make allowances for us.
Tie that in with the scripture that talks about "considering those taking the lead and IMITATING THEIR FAITH" , job's a good 'un!
It's only if you're fully aware of ttatt that these things stand out as nonsensical. They're glaringly obvious to us, but we can't expect a mass wake-up cos it just ain't gonna happen. If you WANT to believe the gb are running the show under Christ's supervision then you'll iron any wrinkles out as you go. It's easy.
hi guys, my name is yondaime,.
my will to remain in this relgious sect is fading, i'm about to be a freshman(just turned 18) in college.
, i have seen so many terrible things happen to good people in this cult and i'm sick of it!
Good to see ya dude, well done waking up so early! I'm 20 years late!
hey guys.
i am seeing a lot of flak on the forum over this study wt, and rightly so, as it's rather creepy.
but i'd like to suggest an alternate way of looking at this upcoming series of articles -- as an opportunity.
Yep. Wot he said ^^^^
Me too...
dad: my son, you look like you are writing down something very important.
are you studying the watchtower?.
caleb: no, im just writing down some numbers and names in this notebook.. dad: what numbers and names, my son?.
HahaHa good work.!
this week on the tms, there was a talk about achan.
how i didnt see how out of wack the jws moral compass is earlier i do not know.
achan stole some valuables from jericho and for this him and his whole family was murdered in a brutal fashon and burned up by fire.
It would suck if you had to give a talk on that last night... 😕😕
obviously i'm having ex cult issues, family still in and a wife that's all kokoo for cocopuffs as well as our marriage isn't good.
i would like to leave her, she has never been the kind of wife i wanted.
anyway the stress is getting to be to much, thinking about things all the time and its effecting my work as well as otherthings.
I likewise absolve myself of any and all liability and do not claim to be a medical professional or even to be particularly knowledgeable on this or any subject (nice legalese huh?!) but the book "the emperors new drugs" made my mind up.
i thought it was high time to introduce myself (without my name of course).
as my name would suggest i have been reading your intriguing post, thoughts and discussions for some time now.
around 3/4 months to be exact.. i guess to start with it would seem fitting to give a little background on my current situation.. i'm a born-in, but have over the last few years found that through a number of varying occurences, (some of which i may discuss in future posts) that my 'zeal' has gone from regular field service and meetings to no service in over a year and very sporadic meeting attendance.
Welcome to the actual truth! I'm a fellow windy from Yorkshire , so jealous your missus has awoken quickly , but glad for you.. hope I can replicate that....